TYLER, Texas (KETK) — Colder temperatures are on their way to East Texas once again which means fireplaces will be staying on for days. Experts are now sharing what firewood is best to burn.
“You want to go with a good hardwood, oak is the predominant wood for East Texas and aged, so you need it seasoned or not green,” Blakeney Hardware owner Jason Blakeney said.
Blakeney said that pecan and hickory wood are also good options but to stay away from mesquite.
“The mesquite will burn so hot it will degrade your brick and your fireplace will actually fall apart,” Blakeney said.
Payne has also been selling firewood in the Big Lots parking lot at 4400 S Broadway Ave. for the last 25 years. Payne explains that for a long burning fire, red oak is the best wood to purchase and to avoid sweet gum and amber.
Payne recommends to not wait till the last minute to purchase firewood or East Texans can run the risk of wood being out of stock. If families want to stay warm during the winter weather, it’s important they stack up now.
Payne’s Firewood
- $30 a stack
- $7 bundles
- $60 rows
Blakeney Hardware
- $1 per stick
- $25 for 30 sticks
Prices can change depending on the demand in the upcoming weeks.
Payne and Blakeney both say it is important to check the fireplace before burning wood to make sure the flue is open and has been properly cleaned.