SCRANTON, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — There are new developments on Monday regarding a rental tent scam. Police say a 23-year-old Florida man is charged with stealing more than $50,000 from the Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department.
This all began last winter when the Arts and Cultures Department of Lackawanna County was scammed through email out of that money, which they thought went to pay for rental tents used for Winterfest.
Florida police arrested 23-year-old Michael Patrylo on Friday.
He’s charged with theft, forgery, and other charges.
Police say the Florida resident allegedly represented himself as a person who works for L&A tent rentals from New Jersey through email in December 2023.
The County Director of Arts and Cultures thought she had sent a payment of $56,000 to the tent company.
L&A Tent Rentals contacted her in January 2024 looking for the money and stating that the account she sent it to was not their account.
Lackawanna County then filed a claim with the District Attorney’s Office to investigate the matter.
They found the bank account belonged to Patrylo and found the money was used or attempted for DoorDash, Uber, a Delta Airlines flight, and even a Vrbo rental.
Patrylo faces a maximum penalty of 47 years in prison and a $95,000 fine.
28/22 News is still waiting to hear when Patrylo will be brought to Lackawanna County.