SCRANTON, LACAKWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — For more than a decade, local talent has been showcased on the first Friday of every month in downtown Scranton.
Filling up empty easels is something that artist Sachiko does when preparing for ‘First Friday’ in Scranton, an event that features local talent.
The display is extra special, especially when it comes to a new collection.
“My collection is the ‘multiverse collection,’ exploring parallel realities and choice.”
Layers and layers of paint and three years’ time. The collection is finally being shown to the public at Urban Co-Works on Friday.
Stirring up questions those viewing it may never think of.
“Imagine if any major moment in your life, you made the opposite decision. Would you be the same person? And would you be in the same position you are now?”
But that’s the beauty of art; it’s in the eye of the beholder, and there will be lots to see at this exhibit. Sachiko is one of seven artists showcasing their work on Friday.
Some artists find inspiration in ideas, but others, like Carlo Savo, create their drawings through the beauty of the local landscape.
“The way the homes are sort of tucked into the hillsides and things like that, so it’s about recreating that feeling and the light and the emotion when you look at the landscape of northeast PA.”
He says events like First Friday give the public a chance to see new artists while they get feedback on their work.
“It’s all part of the process. The art doesn’t really end when you make an object. That’s just sort of the outcome of what art is.”
First Friday in Scranton takes place from 5 to 9 p.m.