SCRANTON, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a time of preparation for Easter for many people of faith.
For practicing Catholics, it’s a time to reflect and focus on renewal, but this year, there’s more on their minds.
Church-goers and church leaders 28/22 News spoke with said this Lent, they are also focusing on the health of Pope Francis, who remains in very serious condition.
For those of Catholic faith, Lent is a time to give up or add things to their lives.
“It’s a difficult time right now, so I think that we just have to look deeper into ourselves and maybe just try to give up the anger,” shared Deneal Scrivani, parishioner.
“I’m going to increase my prayer life, in absence of giving something up, adding something to my Catholicism,” explained Michael Colaneri, parishioner.
This Lent, Pope Francis’ fragile health remains at the top of the minds of parishioners and church leaders.
“We pray that, as he faces some real challenges in his life at this time, that God’s healing presence would sustain him and carry him through, however the lord chooses to work, and act in his life,” said Bishop Joseph Bambera, Bishop of Scranton.
The Pope has been hospitalized for nearly three weeks while experiencing severe respiratory problems.
He’s been the head of the Catholic church since 2013.
“I just hope he gets better and maybe step down, find some peace for himself. You know, after taking on everyone’s problems and trying to guide us, I think he just needs a little bit of a rest,” said Scrivani.
This year also marks the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope for the Catholic church.