TYLER, Texas (KETK) – The Smith County Road and Bridge Department held an open house on Friday for two new facilities that they recently moved into.
Smith County engineer Frank Davis spoke with several county department heads and community members at the open house on Friday, including East Texas Congressman Nathaniel Moran.
“We wanted to take this opportunity to showcase our facility and let you see the buildings,” said Davis.
Moran said the project to move the department from their old facility on Claude Street to their new facilities at 135 SSE Loop 323 started seven years ago when he was serving as the Smith County Judge.
“It’s an exciting day to celebrate the fruition of a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice and service,” Moran said.
Smith County Judge Neal Franklin was there on Friday and was impressed by the department’s new location which includes an administrative office building with a mechanic shop for repairing vehicles and a field crew office building with a meeting/training space and a sign shop.
“This is a beautiful facility,” Franklin said. “We are so excited about it.”
Moran complemented Davis and these new facilities because of the value they’ll have for the taxpayers and the department.
“It’s about value for the taxpayer and about long-term planning; it’s about efficiency and effectiveness of our Road and Bridge services. And there is none better to lead that than Frank Davis,” Moran said.
Moran also thanked Herbert Buie and Tyler Packing Company who donated part of the location’s sale price to the county when they sold the property in 2020. The county was able to pay for the deal over a two-year period with $950,000 in Capital Improvement Projects funds.
The location’s two large metal buildings have been renovated and the department’s 80 employees started moving into them in May of 2024. The buildings can also serve as an alternate Emergency Operations Center if the need ever arises.
The county’s new fueling facility is also being constructed at this location in order to fuel all of Smith County’s vehicles at one central location.