CHARLOTTE, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — A Charlotte woman has started a campaign, Project Red Cards, to let immigrants know their rights in case they’re approached by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents.
“I’m proud to say that I am first-generation Mexican American,” said Maria Fernanda Garcia.
She has big dreams.
Fernanda Garcia graduated from Queens University and wants to be a doctor, but right now she’s just trying to save her family and friends.
“It makes me very sad, and very worried,’ said Fernanda Garcia.
She was born in the United States and raised by immigrant parents.
When she started seeing more ICE raids in other parts of the country, after President Donald Trump took office last week, her concern for her family and friends grew, and she knew she had to do something.
“I saw just how fast those cards went away and how many people were asking questions because they also didn’t know their rights,” said Fernanda Garcia, who started first handing out cards at work.

“You can stand out with the color red.”
Then she thought even more people could use them.
“It (the card) tells them if they do come in contact with immigration officials how to respond accurately and confidently,” Fernanda Garcia explained.
The cards in English and Spanish remind people that they have the right to remain silent and not to sign anything or not to open the door to immigration officials unless they have a warrant with their name on it.
“I’ve been hearing a lot of fear, a lot of unknown, and just overall people being worried about their family members not coming home if they were to go to work or were to go to the grocery store or were to go pickup their kids from daycare,” said Fernanda Garcia.
After starting Project Red Cards, passing the cards out at supermarkets, laundromats, restaurants and stores in Latino communities in Concord and Charlotte.
“The response has been overwhelming with joy.”
She hopes the project brings light during uncertain times.
“I wish things were different so that nobody had to live in fear.”
Fernanda Garcia has been contacted by people in other cities in North Carolina, and in Georgia and New Jersey.
They’re interested in starting their own local Project Red Cards.
You can find the organization on Instagram and Facebook.