John Kraman, affectionately known as “The Professor” in the automotive and motorcycle world, passed away on January 12, 2025, at the age of 68. He died peacefully at home in Rockford, surrounded by the love of his family, after a brief illness. John’s passing marks the end of a remarkable life filled with passion, creativity, and an unyielding dedication to the things he loved most: his family, classic cars, motorcycles, and music. Born with an innate fascination for cars, John’s encyclopedic knowledge of automobiles began in his childhood.
Even as a young boy, he could identify the year, make, and model of every car he saw, a skill that earned him admiration and a reputation as a true automotive expert. This early passion paved the way for a career that would take him from working with his hands as an auto mechanic to becoming a celebrated commentator and analyst in the automotive world.
John’s professional journey started humbly in auto mechanics before evolving into car sales at Anderson Nissan Mazda. While raising his family, he transitioned into airplane sales at Courtesy Aircraft. However, his career reached its pinnacle when he joined Mecum Auctions, where he worked his way up to an on-air commentator and analyst. This role combined his expertise, love for cars, and charisma, allowing him to become a prominent figure in the automotive auction world.
John’s extensive knowledge of classic cars and motorcycles earned him the nickname “The Professor,” and his vibrant personality made him a favorite among enthusiasts and collectors. John’s role at Mecum Auctions was more than just a job—it was the realization of a dream. It allowed him to travel the country, immerse himself in the world of classic cars and motorcycles, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. His ability to share his passion in an engaging and insightful way made him a beloved presence both on and off the auction stage.
The post John Kaman Rockford Obituary, Death: Family Mourns the loss of Beloved Father and Automotive Icon at age 68 first appeared on Trusted and Verified USA News.