CHARLOTTE, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) – The Girl Scout Cookie season has launched, which means the sweetest form of salesmanship is unavoidable.
Olive Gordon of Charlotte is highly motivated to shatter her own North Carolina sales record set last year.
When we interviewed her, the numbers 28833 were boldly on display outside her home. That number is not her Zip code, it’s the mind-blowing amount of Girl Scout Cookie boxes that local Troop 219 sold last year.
Gordon is simply a super-seller, with 12,801 boxes sold in 2024.
“It feels wonderful, I’m proud of myself that I was able to do that,” she said.
She’s perfected the art of the cookie deal.
“If you’re at a booth, don’t sit behind a booth. Get in front of it, ask everybody,” says Gordon, describing her charmingly aggressive style.
“It depends, sometimes the customer doesn’t know much about Girl Scout Cookies, and I should tell them more about it,” she told Queen City News. “Sometimes I’m trying to upsell a cookie, like five for 30. If you’ve already got four, or three, I can usually talk them up to five.”
When asked if she has a career in sales, she gave us a glimpse of her big-league ambition.
“No, I haven’t gone to college yet,” Gordon said. “Well, I’d like to become a Supreme Court justice. “
Serving a lifetime appointment seems like it’s a lifetime away. Not surprisingly, Olive can sell herself.
“Because I think that not enough women are on the Supreme Court, and we need to stick up for our rights,” she says.
As a scout she’s learned public speaking skills and embraced her inner entrepreneur.
“I hope many girls are inspired to join Girl Scouts, because it really is a great organization,” she says.
As a scout, Gordon tries to “Do a Good Turn Daily” in hopes that one day she’ll be supremely qualified for her dream job as a justice.