CHARLOTTE, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) – The City of Charlotte Corridors of Opportunity program is receiving $31.4 million in federal grant funding to advance four infrastructure projects for the inititative.
The city says these awards highlight Charlotte’s commitment to enhancing connectivity, improving safety and fostering equitable access to transportation options.
“These federal investments affirm Charlotte’s strategic vision to build a connected, equitable and sustainable future,” said Mayor Vi Lyles. “By focusing on infrastructure that serves all residents, these projects will have a lasting impact on our city’s growth and quality of life.”
The federal funding includes:
- $1.3 million for the Albemarle Cultural Trail (Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP)
This project will create a vibrant cultural trail along the Albemarle Road corridor, improving access to community hubs, businesses and residential areas. The enhancements aim to celebrate local culture while improving pedestrian and cyclist safety.
- $1.4 Million for the Rozzelles Ferry Bike Path (Reconnecting Communities Program)
This project focuses on reconnecting neighborhoods by providing a dedicated bike path along the Rozzelles Ferry Road corridor. The bike path will enhance mobility, reduce carbon emissions and promote healthier lifestyles for residents.
- $25 million for the Freedom Drive Mobility Corridor (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Program)
This investment will create a more accessible and efficient multimodal corridor along Freedom Drive, connecting residents to jobs, schools and essential services. The project supports equitable transportation and aligns with the city’s long-term mobility goals.
- $3.7 million for Orr Road separation and rail crossing closure
This investment will help close and replace the existing Orr Road rail crossing with a new grade-separated crossing in the Interstate 85/Sugar Creek Road corridor. This grade separation project would enhance safety, improve rail operations and increase efficiency for the existing rail service and future high-speed passenger rail service between Washington, D.C., Charlotte and Atlanta as part of the Southeast High-Speed Rail corridor.
The Corridors of Opportunity is a program that seeks to enhance areas of lower socio-economic status and/or high crime rates.