Frank Vallejo Jr., a 27-year-old man whose life was marked by love for his family, unyielding kindness, and a deep sense of community, tragically lost his life in a fatal shooting on Potranco Road near Loop 410. The shocking incident unfolded following an argument involving Vallejo, a woman, and a 24-year-old suspect, who police later identified as the father of the woman’s 6-year-old child.
Fatal Encounter: Argument Turns Deadly
According to investigators, the events leading to Vallejo’s death began as a heated exchange between the three individuals at an apartment complex. The confrontation escalated rapidly when the suspect pulled out a firearm and fired multiple shots, striking Vallejo fatally.
The 24-year-old suspect fled the scene with the woman’s child immediately after the shooting, sending shockwaves through the neighborhood. Authorities launched an urgent search for the suspect, who later surrendered to police without resistance.
A Life Cut Tragically Short
Frank Vallejo Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene, leaving family and friends reeling from the sudden and senseless loss. Known for his unwavering support for loved ones and his vibrant personality, Vallejo was a pillar of strength for those who knew him.
A family member, speaking through tears, shared:
“Frank was our heart. He was the person everyone could rely on, and now he’s gone because of something so senseless. We will fight for justice for him, but nothing will ever fill the void he has left in our lives.”